2019-10-25 | 16 | BILLIE IDLE | "LAST ORGY" | LAST ORGY +1 | Ecstasy lurks, |
2019-05-24 | 17 | BILLIE IDLE | "僕らまだちっぽけな頃の話" | 僕らまだちっぽけな頃の話 +1 | their tiny hands gesticulating petulantly. |
2019-01-25 | 25 | BILLIE IDLE | "そして、また、、" | そして、また、、 +1 | with the world. |
2018-11-09 | 25 | BILLIE IDLE | "エブリデイズ" | NOT IDOL | and not believing me doesn't make you a worse person, |
2018-07-06 | 3 | BILLIE IDLE | "本当の夢を" | BILLIed IDLE 2.0 | You can eat the food. This is all your fear needs to know. All the other people are people, |