Hyperspace House Concerts   global playlist
Music only a select few people knew until now, discovered by hyper-local Spotify listening around the world...
Guangzhou   Guangdong
Guangzhou   Guangdong
Shanghai   Shanghai
Beijing   Beijing
Chengdu   Sichuan
Shenzhen   Guangdong
Hangzhou   Zhejiang
Wuhan   Hubei
house concert   playlist
1Merlin Partridge "Home of the Dead"149
2Upton Perkin "Kindle"118
3Woodrow Norris "Lo Siento Ya No Puedo Soportar"108
4朱彦安 "终生老友"102
5Enoch Holmes "Heat"96
6张石荻Steven "雨天"78
7LeeyOn李昂 "水蒸气亲吻Disco"73
8Doctor Glock "Terrestrial Cipher (Ghaia's Tears)"54
9Block Everything "Double Cup"49
10Stop Exploring "Like an Addiction"49
11True Words "Misfit"49
12广东阿深 "无用之人"49
13Astral Blitz "PAR"45
14Wisdom Princess "The Wisdom"43
15Beat Beast "Enormous Waves"41
16紺鯨魚-KONKUJIRA "一生片想い"39
17大都会乐团 "一见钟情"39
18Gabrielle Foster "Recollect"37
19Black Roses "Disappear"37
20Dahlia Dream "Yagami"37
21Marvin Grantham "Bird"36
22Broken Heart "Buried Six Feet Under"36
23Cloud Vespers "Eventually Locate You"36
24田鸿杰 "诗情电影院"35
25Sandra Antoinette "You Can Stay, But Jives Must Leave"35
26Earl Stevenson "Why Come Back"34
27Oscar Congreve "Online Walke"34
28Blair Copperfield "I Don't Need It"33
29Murray Isaiah "Verđlaun, Lof Jesú"33
30Meredith Wilson "Feel It This Way"33
31The Will On Kill "閉目尋光"33
32反返 "Revenge"33
33Bad Rubys "Slow Down"33
34List of Last Wish "Fun Time"33
35Kiri T "神經痛"32
36EnjiA "你不在"32
37Elaine Hansen "Fast Play"32
38Philip Stone "I Like You"31
39Unreal Melody "Waiting for Love"31
40Bblythe Conrad "Deng Jialei"31
41Vyan "达摩流浪者"30
42Cortney Herzog "Once"30
43Room Dreams "Night Sky"30
44Soul Strike "Private Eye"30
45Arlo Resumo "Apenas para o Rei da Glória"30
46沙漏SAALAU "时代"29
47Aurora Impression "Everything Thanks to Jesus"29
48Nelson Edie "Man"29
49愚月 "环形山下"28
50Bertha Hackett "Run It"28
51白日密语 "Moonquake"28
52Norman Pullman "Sour"28
53Todd Lamb "Underwater Atmosphere"28
54Bernie Isaiah "Go"27
55Myrna Blanda "Not Listening"27
56Quinn葵因 "年轻的虚无主义者"27
57Gerald Leacock "Praha"27
58Rhythm Ronin "Gospel Improvisation"26
59Orion Opus "I Missed My Plan to"26
60Rhianna Schumm "Cadillac, Mac, Trap Music"26
61Atlas Dreamweaver "Persistence"26
62Eleanore Dickinson "Cold Center"26
63Glenn Hazlitt "Barrow"26
64Fabian Rudolph "It's Too Soon"26
65SKAI isyourgod "YADEA"26
66Dark Notes "Catastrophes"25
67Lotus Riddle "Tutorials"25
68Celine Tremblay "FK Broken"25
69Kristopher Mayer "Believe It Or Not"25
70Soleil Trace "Unmanageable"25
71Raegan Predovic "Trust Circle"24
72Rap Raconteur "Hurry"23
73Carter Robinson "Selected Individual"23
74Rupert Connie "City"23
75Verb Visionary "Ruk"22
76Bert Wesley "Jar"22
77Jeff Zechariah "Night"22
78Garnet Lace "I Said So"22
79Beat Blaster "Connected"22
80Beat Bender "Longing For"21
81Amos Steele "Rain"21
82Flow Enchanter "Unusual Ease"21
83Arte Dante "Estoy enamoradoa"21
84Expressão Mira "Visão"21
85Freestyle Phenom "RLT"20
86地下婴儿 "覺醒"20
87Felicity Mosciski "Get Down"20
88Webb Nathaniei "Break Down"20
89Johnny Aries "Great Expectations"20
90Shanghai Qiutian "Shanghai: Another Day to Find What I Want"19
91Isidore Marshall "Divus Kuģus"19
92超載 "九片棱角的回憶"19
93Nathaniel Montero "This Is Where We Disappear"19
94Zephyr Canvas "When He Descends"19
95Francis Green "You"19
96RebelRapper "Magana"19
97Rhyme Rockstar "Defining Happiness"19
98Verse Voyager "Dat Den"19
99肥皂菌丨珉珉的猫咪丨 "彩虹节拍 - BDF2020主题曲"19
100Mic Maestro "Mouths of Intrigue"19

alchemy by glenn mcdonald / @everynoise for Spotify, listening by the world