2023 Around the World   country sampler   genre sampler  
The new or newly released music that defined, united and distinguished fan communities of place and interest around the world in 2023.
musica guineense
musica guineense
2023 in Música Guineense   playlist
1Patche Di Rima "NO TA COMBINA"955
2Dupla Di Forombal "Judiciária"785
3RRP 4Ever "Vice Versa"650
4Binhan "Bolserus"629
5Memu Sunhu "Memu Sunhu"619
6N-Boy "Paz de Espírito"589
7Don Pina "Sobrinha"550
8Klash "Mas um Bias"533
9FLAVNAIS KING "Bai Tornal"527
10King Kunta MG "Raio de Sol"425
11Albanês "Mama Guiné"403
12Blacka "Versos Nos Dois"386
14Arkin "Nada Ka Ten"336
16Missy Bity "I Ka Ossan"298
17Alfama P "Na Nós Zona"287
18Ju Keendo "Mi Malama"278
19Djenis Di Rima "Wuyum Kan Ominta"267
20Charbel "Ruma Mala"266
22POETA LIT G "Sucesso Sin Sossego"249
23Américo Gomes "nandjaco di kafur"243
24Diima "Icey"235
25Anderking "Habibi"226
26Mandas "Alma Gémea"144
27Kujamat "Casamance Carte Posttal"113
28Gin Luca "Retratos"94
29Samba KF "Africana (feat. Daro)"68
30Neuza "Dixan bai"68
31Eneida Marta "Bin Sinam"68
32Roger "Tchiga na Mi"64
33LilBoy Bruce "EX"63
34Val Xalino "Santa Paz"51
35Kimi Djabaté "Mana Mana"48
36Arila "Ultimu Chamada"40
37Eddu "Made in Cv (Vibe Doidão)"37
38Afrikan Drums "Kumakê - Remix"37
39Breyth "Alegria - Tefo Foxx Remix"31
40Djeison Lumi "MO NA BRAZIL"29
41Dara G "Darra Darra"28
42Du Marthaz "Roskinha"28
43Malan Mané "Recado"27
44Ga DaLomba "Omi Tambe Ta Txora"27
45Gilson Furtado "Nta Fazi Midjor"26
46Gama "Djan Xona"25
47Willy Semedo "Nu Ca Pode Dana"25
48Toru "African Queen"24
49Grace Evora "Bo Ki Mi Cre"23
50Eddy Tussa "Samba Monami"21
51Gerilson Insrael "Anaconda"21
52Tino Militina "Nha Vitoria"21
53Kyaku Kyadaff "Beatriz"20
54Mc Prego Prego "Trabadja Bu Tem"20
55Leo Pereira "Dexa Mundo Fala"20
56Dj Tó Costa "Sextou"20
57Buguin Martins "Si Bu Kre"19
58Gil Semedo "Casa Ku Mi - Live"19
59Chainy Ewen "Uma Jóia"18
60CEF Tanzy "Água do chefe"18
61Trakinuz "Bo ki Matam"18
62Suzanna Lubrano "Desvez Ké Bez - Radio Edit"18
63Mago de Sousa "Alma Gêmea"17
64Vanessa Ssaneva "Lumi na casa badju"17
65El Gino "Mentiu"17
66Puto Portugues "Oh Pai"16
67Hadji "My love"16
68Elida Almeida "Eh Ka Bo"16
69Daniel Nascimento "Kazukuta"15
70Shyny "Amour Secret - REMIX"15
71SOS MUCCI "Nha Religion"14
72DJ Malvado "Twe Bwe"14
73Dyh Martins "ZONA STA SABI"14
74Ivan Alekxei "Bombó Molhou"14
75Alfredo Rossi "Acaba de Me Matar"13
76Obety Libombo "Boa na Tarracha"13
77Wilson Almeida "Ka Ta Podi - Original Mix"13
78Xtreme "Criola Pura"13
79Maya Cool "Menina Nobreza"13
80LEYDY INDIRA "Ribon Di Cal"13
81Fidjus Di Belo Freire "Alguem Ta Fronta"13
82CEUZANY "Pedra Run"13
83Ivan Alekxei "O Desgaste"12
84Ana Mileida "Coração Apaixonado"12
85Adi Cudz "Bom demais"12
86Loreta Kba "Txabeta Di Mundo"12
87Mota JR "Guala Guala"12
88Mc Acondize "Aii Dinheru"12
89Gaby Baessa "Festa la Fora"11
90Rei Helder "Rosita"11
91Oboy & Gambian Child "Keh Tala"11
92Helio Batalha "Kurandera"11
93Cleyton David "A Fome"11
94Djiluna "Campion"11
95C4 Pedro "Você é Quem? (feat. Vado Poster & FABIO DANCE)"11
96Jojo Gouveia "Tenho Medo"11
97Alice "Sonhava"11
98Halison Paixão "Mestre do Prazer"11
99Filho do Zua "Problemas Sociais"11
100Hélder Sennah "Amor e Amizade"10

alchemy by glenn mcdonald / @everynoise for Spotify, listening by the world
These lists compile the collective 2023 new-music listening of music fans in every country where people use Spotify, and in the fan communities for 6000+ genres and other genre-shaped distinctions. The songs in each list are scored and ranked by a combined weighting of a) their absolute popularity with those fans and b) the share of the song's global listening that those fans account for. (And then filtered to one song per artist.) This means, for example, that The Sound of Ukraine 2023 is the music that defines, unites and distinguishes Ukrainian fans, whether that music comes from Ukraine or not. Likewise, 2023 in Drift Phonk is the music that fans of Drift Phonk loved, whether it's Drift or Phonk or not. To be eligible, a song must have been released on or after 2022-12-01, as best our data can tell, so that's why no "Cruel Summer".
In addition to exploring by country or metagenre, you can click any artist to see all the lists on which they appear.
You are allowed to fall in love with things you did not know even existed until now. It is not too late.
It is never too late.
(PS: It's not even too late for 2022, 2021, 2020 or 2019.)