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A Plea to Space
if this is an illusion
and you're not really here tonight
then I send this twinge of remorse
we can share it like we shared this night
if those words didn't sway you
they were the finest I could find
and what I thought was a gleam in fate's eye
must have just been a headlight
a plea to whatever space
is keeping us apart
if this is an illusion
then light is both traitor and wave
if I can't make you listen
then what use are these endless days?
if no words can sway you
maybe you already know how you'll die?
and is a single day too much to risk
to find out why?
a plea to whatever space
is keeping us apart
let one last wish fly
if this is an illusion
then I will be an illusion too
I will let no fear touch me
like you didn't let me touch you
and this to whatever space
keeps everyone apart
if we never meet
we never have to say goodbye
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