Spotify Listening Patterns by Gender
Overall, Spotify has 44.3% female listeners,
but only 23.1% of streams from female or mixed-gender artists.
Female listeners stream 31.9% from female or mixed-gender artists.
Male listeners stream 19.2% from female or mixed-gender artists.
When listeners choose their own music themselves, they stream 23.1% from female artists, which is 0.0% better than overall listening.
When listeners play their personalized Discover Weekly playlists, they end up streaming 19.7% from female artists, which is 3.4% worse than when they choose their music themselves.
When listeners play Spotify editorial playlists, they end up streaming 23.2% from female artists, which is 0.1% better than when they choose their music themselves.
This accounting is automatically updated based on daily global Spotify listening data.
You can also see detailed gender breakdowns by
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