2000 Pazz & Jop critical alignment ratings
316b · 15 February 01
Here are the voters in the 2000 Village Voice Pazz & Jop Critics' Poll, ranked according to the average number of other voters who voted for each of their album picks, singles picks, or both together. If anyone had voted for the exact ten album winners, their album rating would have been 112.1; for the exact ten singles, their singles rating would have been 80.1; for all twenty, their combined rating would have been 96.1. Higher ratings are possible for partial ballots, although for the purposes of these charts I disqualified anybody with fewer than five votes in either category, or fewer than eight total. The minimum rating, of course, for an entirely unique ballot, is 0. Click the headings to see the voters ranked that way. I come in pretty far down no matter how you look at it.
ranked by albums ratings